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Reality only exist in a physical construct when it's OBSERVED


Posted 6:22 pm, 01/14/2018

fRANK, it's all meaningless.


Posted 7:05 am, 01/14/2018



Posted 2:29 am, 01/14/2018

As far as something taking up the space, you're absolutely right.... There are neutrinos, dark matter, and forms of energy and such passing through us all the time and taking up every bit of space in the universe.....as far as physical matter we can observe and interact with, it's mostly empty space and nothing ever really touches


Posted 1:59 am, 01/14/2018

at least that is the way I understand it.


Posted 1:44 am, 01/14/2018

There is no such thing as empty space. All matter is just vibrations in energy. The universe is just a transmitter energy some what like TV. Different universes are like different TV channels.


Posted 12:51 am, 01/14/2018

Ah, the double slit test. That's some twilight zone level shnitz.


Posted 12:47 am, 01/14/2018

They are deceptive in their sensationalism of the claims of the double slit test. How can merely observing electrons change their states from particles to waves (or vice versa....I can't remember)???
Sean Carroll explains that the act of observing, though seemingly a non-interaction, is still interactive because you can't observe or measure an electron without bouncing some form of light energy off of it. When you do this is seems to change the state of the electron but Carroll says it was already in that state.... you just couldnt see it as such without the observation taking place first.....they exist simultaneously in both states and when you observe it, quantum mechanics dictates that it then shows itself in the state that it was already gonna be in anyway ......*mind blown


Posted 12:44 am, 01/14/2018

I'm just soaking in those cosmic rays until this whole nightmare is over.


Posted 12:34 am, 01/14/2018

Nothing ever really touches anything else in our universe. Matter is mostly empty space. The reason we can't walk through walls is not because the atoms in our bodies are literally physically obstructed by the atoms that make up the wall..... It's because the electron clouds that make up the shells of all those atoms form a forcefield of sorts that repels the electron clouds of the atoms of other objects.... And does it so strongly, that it's impossible for objects to pass through each other even though nothing is actually "touching" anything else


Posted 12:03 am, 01/14/2018

Meant to be !, not $


Posted 12:02 am, 01/14/2018

Lolololol. Thought we were in North Cacalacky!!$


Posted 12:00 am, 01/14/2018

Cops don't change light bulbs, they just beat the dark for being black.


Posted 11:59 pm, 01/13/2018

How many cops does it take to change a light bulb?


Posted 11:57 pm, 01/13/2018

True, but like dead baby jokes are predictable


Posted 11:52 pm, 01/13/2018

You're awful demanding & a bit clumsy.


Posted 11:51 pm, 01/13/2018

Challenge: be funny. I just pinched the **** outta my finger. Make me laugh


Posted 11:47 pm, 01/13/2018


Posted 11:45 pm, 01/13/2018

Apparently more than 40. **** my basement still dark


Posted 11:42 pm, 01/13/2018

How many dead babies does it take to change a light bulb?


Posted 11:38 pm, 01/13/2018

OC, I didn't say you are right, I just said you are thinking. LOL

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