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Posted 10:01 pm, 07/02/2024

USA Today Poll: 41% of Democrats Want Joe Biden to Quit

The poll represents one of the first post-debate polls that Democrat operatives and donors will study to determine the total damage to Biden's candidacy following his debate performance.

By a five-to-one ratio, the poll found former President Donald Trump won the exchange. Only 28 percent of Biden supporters said he won.
Only 24 percent of Democrats said the debate increased their support for Biden, while nine percent said it made them want to support a third party candidate.

Sixty-four percent of independents, meanwhile, want Biden replaced on the ballot.


Posted 8:22 am, 07/02/2024

POLL: Trump Now Leading Joe Biden in New Hampshire

Donald Trump has taken the lead over Joe Biden in New Hampshire, according to new polling from Saint Anselm College.

New Hampshire has not gone red in a presidential election since it voted for George W. Bush in the year 2000.

Once again, Trump is gaining ground in a state where he is not supposed to be competitive.


Posted 10:51 pm, 07/01/2024

Majorities of Democrats Say Biden is Up To Job, Remains On Ticket.

However, Trump Leads Biden by 2 Points in Polling Conducted After Presidential Debate.


Posted 8:48 am, 06/30/2024

New Poll Finds Trump With Slight Lead Over Biden in New Jersey

Donald Trump has taken a slight lead over Joe Biden in blue New Jersey, according to new polling from Coefficient.

Trump has spoken about making a serious play for New Jersey in this election and if this poll is accurate, it looks like he has a chance to do so.

It's also important to point out that this poll was conducted before the debate on Thursday night which exposed Biden's mental decline to the country.


Posted 9:35 am, 06/23/2024

everybodys time well come in november 2024......


Posted 9:28 am, 06/23/2024

Hey jestersuckin' ***, why are YOU still consumed with size envy AND coulda YOU relate your foolish post to anything about actual polling data?


Posted 8:56 am, 06/23/2024

This post contradicts your supposed polling results:

Donald Trump has been mocked on social media after footage from his rally at Temple University's Liacouras Center, a 10,000-seat venue, showed large numbers of open seats and entire sections of the upper level completely empty.

In May, a similar controversy arose over the attendance at a rally Trump held in South Bronx, New York. His spokesperson told Newsweek that 25,000 people attended the rally, though a number of journalists independently denied the figure.


Posted 8:34 am, 06/23/2024

Trump Enters Landslide-Victory Territory in Blowout New Rasmussen Poll

The more opponents he faces, the bigger former President Donald Trump's margin over President Joe Biden becomes. That's the bottom line of a new Rasmussen Reports poll that says if likely voters are as enthusiastic when it is time to vote as they were June 20 when the poll was taken, Trump could hit landslide territory with a double-digit victory over Biden. The last president to have a double-digit margin over his opponent was former President Ronald Reagan in 1984, when he had an 18.2 percent edge over Democrat Walter Mondale in the popular vote, according to the American Presidency Project. The Rasmussen poll said in a two-man race, Trump would beat Biden 49 percent to 40 percent.4 When Green Party candidate Jill Stein and independents Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Cornell West were added, Trump had a 10-point lead over Biden, 46 percent to 36 percent.


Posted 10:06 pm, 06/20/2024

Poll: Independents Back Donald Trump over Biden in New York by Double Digits

Former President Donald Trump is leading President Joe Biden by double digits among independents in New York State, the latest Siena College survey found.

The overall survey showed Biden with a net negative approval rating in the blue state. Just 42 percent favor Biden, while most, 53 percent, view him unfavorably - a net negative favorable rating of -11 percent. In May, 45 percent viewed him favorably, compared to 50 percent who had an unfavorable view, giving him a net negative of -5. In other words, his net unfavorable rating increased by six percentage points in the last month.

DB Cooper

Posted 5:31 pm, 06/18/2024

Trump, Robinson maintain lead in North Carolina


Posted 8:38 am, 06/18/2024

Poll: Joe Biden in 'Precipitous' Decline with Black Voters in Swing States Michigan and Pennsylvania

President Joe Biden is in "precipitous" decline with black voters in the crucial swing states of Michigan and Pennsylvania, according to a USA TODAY/Suffolk University poll.

According to the poll, support for Biden among black voters in those two states has dropped dramatically, showing that the demographic "is unexpectedly in play in November's election."


Posted 10:29 pm, 06/17/2024

Poll: Donald Trump Commands 18-Point Lead over Joe Biden in Iowa

Former President Donald Trump commands an 18-point lead in a four-way race with President Joe Biden and others in Iowa, according to a Des Moines Register/Mediacom/Selzer & Co. poll taken after his conviction in the New York business records trial.


Posted 2:09 pm, 06/16/2024

CNN host Jake Tapper said that according to the current polling, President Joe Biden is a "drag on the ticket."

Tapper made the remarks while speaking to Democrat Senator Chris Murphy during Sunday's episode of "State of the Union."

Tapper began, "So you noted that Biden had had to campaign in addition to being leader to the free world, let's talk about the campaign because Trump was in battleground Michigan last night making a pitch to African-American voters."


Posted 10:44 am, 06/14/2024

POLL: Most Voters Think Biden's Mental Decline is Real

New polling from Rasmussen Reports finds that a majority of likely voters believes that Joe Biden's mental decline is real.

Democrats and the media have tried so hard to gaslight the public into believing that Biden is perfectly fine and functions perfectly - when he is behind closed doors and no cameras are rolling. They would actually have you believe that Biden only seems to malfunction when you can see and hear him.

The problem for the left is that people are not stupid. People can see Biden and they know he is in decline because it's obvious to even the most casual observer.


Posted 9:51 am, 06/13/2024

Pennsylvania, a state that certified President Joe Biden the winner in 2020, is looking like Trump Country, according to the latest NPR/Marist poll.

This poll of 1,181 registered voters in Pennsylvania was taken June 3-6, 2024, days after a kangaroo court in Manhattan turned former President Donald Trump into a convicted felon (for now).

The beauty of this poll is that it shows nothing's changed. While this is the first NPR/Marist poll of Pennsylvania, it still shows Trump leading His Fraudulency by two points, 47 to 45 percent, which is perfectly in line with all the pre-phony-conviction polls out of Pennsylvania.

So what we have here is yet another poll that says Joe Biden and the Democrat Party burned down the American justice system for no reason.


Posted 7:14 am, 06/13/2024

Hey jestersuckin'allZ, IF YOU were not so easily lead astray by your addiction to billgatesnews AND IF YOU
had bothered to read the article YOU cited, YOU possibly coulda comprehended that the current polling in Ohio has President Trump down one point, to seven from his historical eight, over your boy, demented pedo joe.

Although I didn't need to "step up my game", thanks once again for the opportunity to effortlessly point out your abundant stupidity.

Thanks for playing AND keep trying.

YOU go, sucker !


Posted 6:48 am, 06/13/2024

Is it time to "step up your game" little boy?


Posted 10:17 pm, 06/12/2024

Hey jestersuckin'allZ, YOU really shoulda read your billgatesnews reference before posting.

It really confirms your stupidity.

YOU go !


Posted 10:12 pm, 06/12/2024

Poll: Donald Trump Opens Up 8-Point Lead in Arizona

Former President Donald Trump has opened up an eight-point lead on President Joe Biden in a hypothetical five-way presidential race in Arizona, according to an AARP/ Fabrizio Ward/Impact Research poll.

The survey finds that Trump garners 45 percent support among likely Arizona voters, putting him comfortably in the lead. Biden is in second place with 37 percent of the response, followed by independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr. at 11 percent.

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